Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Dbq on Ancient Greece

DBQ Ancient Hellenic Civilization There were objet darty great ancient civilizations that circumscribe the foundation for modern western shade to receive yet none influenced our modern-day civilization more than the Greeks. The ancient Greeks were revolutionaries in spelly fields, such as science, philosophy, governmental structure, and warfare tactics. Without Greek influence, the knowledge domain today would lack some of its greatest pieces of art, philosophy, and humanitys values. The ancient Greeks revolutionized human thought and philosophy, changed mankinds values toward human animateness, and introduced art and culture that exemplifies human creativity of the era.Greeks revolutionized human thought and philosophy. They were the first civilization to compensate the idea that humans can earth, and self-examination is important for mankind if man wishes to better understand himself and his world. For instance, one of Greeces most famous philosophers, Socrates, state d The un establishd life is not worth living, (Document 1). Socrates is one of the most renowned philosophers in all of ancient Greece. His statement is radical because it demonstrates how mankind must examine his own life to make it meaningful, a new theory in the world.Previously, man accepted the notion that you were born in your place and must accept whatever your ruler and/or priest tells you believe, but Socrates believed that man must examine himself to truly better their own lives. Another revolutionary thought of the Greeks was made in the fields of mathematics. For example a Greek mathematician named Euclid developed the theorem If you straight lines cut one another, the vertical, or opposite, angles shall be equal, (Document 5). Euclid is a prime example of how Greeks advanced in the mathematical world, pushing human thought to new limits.The Greeks were very influential on our modern concepts of mathematics, put the foundation for advances in all scientific fields. Ev en though the Greeks set the foundation for modern sciences and philosophy, their most important contribution in this playing area is undoubtedly their appreciation and respect for human reason. Greeks took great pride in their ability to reason. For instance, another famous Greek philosopher, Aristotle, stated Since human reason is the most godlike part of human ature, a life manoeuver by human reason is superior to any other For man, this is the life of reason, since the faculty of reason is distinguished propertys of human beings, (Document 2). Aristotle believed the most important characteristic of human nature is the ability to reason. The Greeks were the first use logic to cypher their problems. They used their logic to understand the natural world and question authority, apply logic to make decisions best for themselves and their polis. The Greeks revolutionized human thought, setting the foundation for realizable advancement in our western civilization.

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