Saturday, August 31, 2019

Smell a faint bit of smoke

Living room. A narrow hallway in the living room went to small winding Steps that took you to a great room on the second floor of the house, this is where my kids had their bedrooms. The house was surrounded with the most amazing yard. The white picket fence enclosed a grape arbor, as old as the house, and underneath the grapes there were two small rope swings attached to the arbor for my kids. Outside the fence was a large orchard filled with apples, pears and plums: and a lovely garden that I planted each summer with corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, blueberries and raspberries. I remember the day as if it were yesterday.We were getting ready for the long weekend, and my brother was coming down from Portland to celebrate my sisters birthday. The day started as a typical late summer morning. The sun was shining high in the sky, the birds were busy in the grapes and was busy in the kitchen. My son was in the large claw foot tub playing pirate ships with soap bars and my daugh ter was on the computer in the living room playing her favorite game. It was a lovely morning. With the warm breeze blowing through the open doors and windows I could smell a faint bit of smoke, but that was not unusual. Our house was tucked in between many mint farmers.They would harvest the mint in the late summer, then burn the fields afterwards for pest and weed control. In the kitchen I heard a car come down the gravel driveway honking loudly. It was too soon for my brother to arrive, so I went outside to see what was happening. Before even stopping he pointed at the roof and yelled, â€Å"Your house is on fire! † â€Å"Your house is on fire-get the hose! † popped into high gear and grabbed the garden hose, turned the faucet on the outside spigot and handed it to the stranger and went inside to grab my children. Once I new they were outside safer went back inside the house to call the fire department. New wasn't in eminent danger because the flames looked very sma ll from the ground and they were high above on the roof at the other end Of the house. After calling, I went back outside and realized more people had arrived. Many more, some offering help and others just staring. Could hear some of them say ‘Nathan a shame, this historic house is on fire. † That was when I felt my first twinge offer and anger at the same time. The fire department came after what seemed like a lifetime. They were so very positive, â€Å"Don't worry Miss, this can be stopped easily. Those reassuring words put me at ease.A stranger asked if would like to go down the street and use her phone to call anyone and let them know what was going on. She also offered up a t-shirt for my naked son. As I sat in this strange car, I felt as if time was going backwards. The clock tick-tock ever so slow. She took me back to my burning house to wait for my mom. As walked up towards the flames, my husband gave me the bad news that they couldn't stop the fire safely. One of the firemen had fallen, caught his leg in the narrow stairway and was injured so they made the determination of safety. My heart sunk back into my stomach.The fire chief started asking me where important things were in the house. As we spoke to him, he would describe the area to someone inside via handheld radios: â€Å"Photo Album, left window†, one yelled. â€Å"Purse, wallet, right window† another called out. And items were flying into the yard through the windows. The crew worked hard to save what they could for our family. They Were so brave to sacrifice through the smoke and heat. I stood there shaking and watching the fire grow bigger and bigger. Soon the beautiful summer day was surrounded by so much noise; people talking, owes going, emergency vehicles coming and going.And the stench had taken the beautiful smells of late summer morning and turned it into something that is etched in my brain for eternity. A smell of wet clothes, burning wire, smoldering woo d and melting plastic. A smell like no other. I watched the whole house burn to the ground. My biggest fear came to life right in front of me. Right in front of many people. The time didn't pass slow that afternoon, I finally sat down as the flames were starting to diminish, people were leaving and darkness was settling the fields around me. Not a tear came down my face that day. I was numb.I stood in the drive way and looked at the mess, wet wood, ashes, burnt mattress, my daughters rocking horse sideways charred in the back yard. At that moment, standing there, staring at the mess I realized we lost most of our belongings. Day to day things you don't think about, such as hairbrush, toothpaste, shoes, underwear, deodorant, dishes, bread, coffee, milk and snacks. I realized all my belongings, the material things were gone. I had lost everything in all the sparks that flew into once blue sky. But somehow, even though the flames took everything, had not lost what was truly important.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Alexandra Kollontai – Biography

Biographical information: Name – Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai Born – March 31st 1872 in St. Petersburg Died – March 9th 1952 in Moscow Occupation – Russian communist revolutionary, Soviet Ambassador to Norway Family background: Kollontai was born to a relatively wealthy family. Her father, General Mikhail Alekseevich Domontovich, served as a Calvary officer in the Russo-Turkish war and was an advisor to the Russian administration in Bulgaria. Kollontai’s mother, Alexandra Androvna Masalina-Mravinskaia, was a daughter of a Finnish peasant who made a fortune selling wood.Kollontai’s parent’s long and difficult struggle to be together would colour her views on relationships, sex and marriage. Kollontai was extremely close with her father, both sharing an interest in history and politics. Education: Kollontai’s mother and her nanny were demanding, â€Å"There was order in everything, there was order in everything: to tidy up toy s myself, to lay my underwear on a little chair at night, to wash neatly, to study my lessons on time, to treat the servants with respect†.Alexandra was considered a good student, mastering a range of languages. She spoke French with her mothers and sisters, English to her Nanny, Finnish with the peasants at a family estate, and she was a student of German. Alexandra wanted to continue her education at university but her mother said that there was no real need for women to have higher education. Political membership: At the time of the split in the Russian Social Democrat Labour Party in 1903, into the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks, Kollontai did not side with either.Kollontai then first joined the Mensheviks but then in 1915 finally joined the Bolsheviks. After the Bolshevik revolution in 1917, Kollontai became the People’s Commissar for Social Welfare. Kollontai founded the Zhenotdel or â€Å"Women’s Department† in 1919. This organisation worked to impro ve the condition of women’s lives in the Soviet Union, fighting illiteracy and educating women about the new marriage laws put in place by the revolution. Revolutionary activities:Kollontai’s first activities were timid and modest, helping out a few hours a week with her sister at a library that supported Sunday classes in basic literacy for urban workers, sneaking a few socialist ideas into the lesson sideways. At this library, Kollontai met Elena Stasova, an activist in the budding Marxist movement in St. Petersburg. Stasova began using Kollontai as a courier, transporting parcels of illegal writings to unknown individuals.In 1898 Kollontai left to study Economics in Zurich, Switzerland. She then paid a visit to England, where she met members of the British Labour party. She returned to Russia in 1899, at which time she met Vladimir Lenin. She became a member of the Russian Social Democrat Labour Party in 1899. Kollontai went in exile, to Germany in 1908 after publis hing â€Å"Finland and Socialism†, which called on the Finnish people to rise up against oppression within the Russian empire.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

1the Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet

The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet And Mr. Darcy Susan Fraiman in her essay â€Å"The Humiliation of Elizabeth Bennet† argues that Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist of Jane Austen's novel Pride and Prejudice, is disempowered when she marries Fitzwilliam Darcy who succeeds Mr. Bennet as controlling literary figure. Fraiman claims that Elizabeth is a surrogate-son to her father trapped inside her female body during an age when gender roles were rigorously fixed.Judith Butler in her essay of 1990 called â€Å"Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, â€Å"states that performing one's gender wrong initiates a set of punishments both obvious and indirect. Through the contribution of Butler's theory, this essay aims to demonstrate that it is not only, as Fraiman claims, Elizabeth Bennet who is punished by society for performing her gender wrong, but also Mr. Darcy. In respect to convention, Mister Darcy performs his gender wrong as well as he goes by a feminine name and is often passive, â€Å"unsocial† and â€Å"taciturn† as Elizabeth puts it.He admits: â€Å"I certainly have not the talent which some people possess of conversing easily with those I have never seen before† He admits to Elizabeth at the very that he was embarrassed when she asks him why he was â€Å"so shy of [her]†. It must be considered then that Darcy does not want to â€Å"humiliate? Elizabeth with his â€Å"extensive power† of a â€Å"paternalistic noble† but is rather humiliated by it himself. after all he has many â€Å"feminine† characteristics: He waits to be approached; he prefers listening to talking; e is receptive rather than aggressive; he is anxious about his reputation and judges people according to their manners; he is the person his friends come to for advice, and he writes letters instead of personally confronting people. To perform one's gender right, as Judith Butler asser ts in â€Å"Performative Acts and Gender Constitution,† means to perform one's gender in accordance with historical and cultural sanctions that change over time. Butler's essay deconstructs society's belief that gender is a fixed natural given.She questions if and how we exist before societal ideology's imposition by observing gender in a phenomenological way and finds that gender is always performed, but the performance varies according to time period. What does not vary, however, is society's punishment of people who don't perform their gender according to the current convention. Elizabeth Bennet has aligned herself with her father and his male, independent perspective. Mr. Bennet bequeaths [to Elizabeth] his ironic distance from the world, the habit of studying and appraising those around him, the role of social critic.Therefore Lizzie is less a daughter than a surrogate son, who by giving up the mother and giving in to the father, reaps the spoils of maleness. In regards to society, however, Lizzie's male independence is dangerous. She does not behave like a gentlewoman of her time who was expected to draw and do needlework indoors while waiting for a suitor to whisk her off to the altar. Ex. *The haughty Bingley sisters immediately declare her behavior unsuitable: â€Å"To walk three miles, or four miles, or five miles, or whatever it is, above her ankles in dirt, and alone, quite alone! What could she mean by it?It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence, a most country-town indifference to decorum† (Austen 25). *When Mr. Collins proposes to Lizzie, she doesn't employ â€Å"the usual practice of elegant females, but declines his offer as a â€Å"rational creature speaking the truth from her heart† (Austen 75). While Lizzie's decision to refuse the buffoonish Mr. Collins is justified, it is nonetheless precarious in her situation. If she and her sister Jane hadn't married Darcy and Bingley respectively, which can be regarded as the exceptions to the rule, they would have lost their parents? ntailed house to Mr. Collins. Lizzie, within Regency England society, is performing her gender „wrong? by not accepting a promising proposal. Instead, she displays typically male behavior: â€Å"You mean to frighten me, Mr. Darcy, by coming in all this state to hear me? But I will not be alarmed though your sister does play so well. There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises with every attempt to intimidate me† (Austen 115). Obstinacy and audacity are not socially scripted feminine qualities. Lizzie turns down Mr.Darcy's proposal in an equally confident manner: â€Å"Every time Darcy opens his mouth, he is superseded by a speech of greater length and vehemence;† â€Å"Her language, her feelings, her judgments overwhelm his† (Fraiman 361). Elizabeth here not only matches Darcy in intellect, she tops hi m. Many of her characteristics would be highly-regarded in a man, but not in a woman. While letter-communication was common practice in Regency England for both women and men alike, the letter Mr. Darcy writes to Elizabeth is not a regular correspondence letter, but a letter that deals with his strong emotions in a very feminine fashion.In his need to justify himself for Elizabeth's accusations, he bares his soul in such a forthcoming, dignified, and eloquent manner as only a woman's love letter would be expected to accomplish. His letter is so well-composed that he likely dedicated hours of drafts to it. Austen emphasizes the uniqueness of Darcy's letter by putting male letter-writing into perspective. Charles Bindley's letters are described as chaotic, correspondence-related and short: â€Å"Charles writes in the most careless way imaginable.He leaves out half his words, and blots the rest,† claims his sister Caroline (Austen 33). Meanwhile, she employs feminine terms to de pict Mr. Darcy's writing: â€Å"do you always write such charming long letters† (Austen 32-3). The boyish Elizabeth, in contrast, writes two letters in Pride and Prejudice: both are addressed to Mrs. Gardiner and are simple correspondence letters. Mr. Darcy's letter therefore is less of a hostile takeover of authorial power, as Fraiman calls it (â€Å"her authorial powers wane†), but rather his only means of expressing himself to Elizabeth (Fraiman 377).He is not a â€Å"controlling literary figure† (Fraiman 383) that replaces Elizabeth's father, but someone who takes a great risk by revealing sensitive personal details which could be used to destroy him socially to a woman who has just refused him as a husband. In a very feminine way, Mr. Darcy gives Elizabeth power over his family's reputation and himself. Darcy's behavior so far has, as Butler puts it, â€Å"initiate[d] a set of punishments both obvious and indirect† (Butler 279). Elizabeth especially, as a member of her society, misreads him repeatedly and therefore indirectly disempowers him because he cannot make himself heard by her.Mr. Darcy's passive feminine side is generally misread by society as pride, which shows that to perform one's gender „wrong? results in punishment. Darcy doesn't court Elizabeth in the way she and society expect; therefore he, just as much as Lizzie, suffers â€Å"a loss of clout† (Fraiman 377). The gender-performance that is expected of Elizabeth and Darcy by society runs anathema to their original one and they realize toward the end of the novel that they have to succumb to society's gender-script if they want to be together.As Susan Fraiman argues, Elizabeth, as a woman, has to relinquish some of her power: â€Å"Elizabeth marries a decent man and a large estate, but at a certain cost;† â€Å"Darcy disempowers Elizabeth if only because of the positions they each occupy in the social schema: because he is a man and she is a wife† (Fraiman 384). The cost is her compromise, but Darcy has to make it as well; the cost might even be a gain if Darcy respects Elizabeth as a wife, and there is no evidence in the novel that he won? t. Conclusion: Fraiman's blame of Mr.Darcy disempowering Elizabeth is misdirected in that she reads him solely as a man, not as a person who has as much trouble performing his gender right as does Lizzie. Darcy has to give up passive observing and letter-writing in favor of action, such as saving the damsel in distress Lydia. Fraiman's critique of Elizabeth marrying Darcy also does not invoke singleness as a liberating alternative, in which case Lizzie would lose even more power. The novel rather reveals the limits of everyone’s personal autonomy in a society where gender roles are fixed.Mr. Darcy never sought to take Elizabeth's power or independence away-quite the opposite- they caused his falling in love with her. If Elizabeth is disempowered after her marriage, the b lame must be directed at Regency society, not Mr. Darcy; marriage itself is always a compromise, after all. Mr. Darcy, just as much as Elizabeth, sacrifices a great deal of his original individuality by aligning his gender-performance with Regency society's convention. But, as Lizzie says: â€Å"We do not suffer by accident. †

Convergence between GAAP and IFRS Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Convergence between GAAP and IFRS - Assignment Example The US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles is the major accounting standard used in the United States (Walton 45-46). The International Financial Reporting Standard on the other hand is the accounting standard practiced in over 110 countries in the world. U.s. GAAP is mostly considered as a more rule based accounting system, while IFRS is mostly based on principles. It is therefore obvious that the IFRS and the U.S. GAAP do not agree on every issue (IASCF and IASB 80-101). This paper seeks to focus on the convergence between the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the International Financial Reporting Standard. The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) is an independent body in the private sector. It develops and approves International Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards. The International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) functions under the International Financial Reporting Foundation oversight. It was formed in 2001 in replacement of the International Accounting Standards Committee. International Financial Reporting Standard, under the constitution of International Financial Reporting Foundation, has a full responsibility for all technical issues of the financial reporting standards such as: preparation and issuing the interpretations of exposure drafts and International Financial Reporting Standards, full discretion in pursuing and developing technical agenda dependent on requirements of consultation with the public and trustees, the issuing and approval of interpretations by the International Financial Reporting Standards Interpretations Committee (IASB 19-21)). ... SEC registrants are however required generally in presenting expenses that are based on function such as administrative costs and cost of sales. The criteria of extraordinary items are also restricted to both the infrequent and unusual items. In terms of the criteria of the discontinued operations, these operations are for those components that are specifically disposed of or held for sale, given that there will be no involvement with the disposed component or significant cash flows (Shamrock 29-30). On the other hand, in classifying expenses in the IFRS, expenses may be presented based on either nature or function such as depreciation and salaries. Particular disclosures on the expenses’ nature must be included in the notes if function is selected. There is no criterion of extraordinary items in the IFRS as it is prohibited. In addition, the classification of discontinued operations in IFRS is for components that are disposed of or held for sale. These components are either o f a separate geographical area or a different business line (IASCF and IASB 105-110). The layout of the balance sheet in the U.S. GAAP is not generally provided in accordance to a specific layout, but the public companies follow the specified requirements in the S-X regulation. The presentation of debt that has been violated is presented as non-current in case lender agreement to waive right for repayment demand exists for more than a year prior to the issue of financial statements. In the U.S GAAP, the non-current and current classification of deferred tax liability and asset is based generally on the nature of related liability or asset. This is a requirement. The U.S GAAP has no requirement for a third balance sheet. On the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Social Imperialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Social Imperialism - Essay Example The introduction of social imperialism was formerly understood in the late nineteenth century when socialists and the lower-class movement became partners in imperialism. Its foundation has been related to the misery of the 1870s and early 1880s and efforts by regimes to recover economic losses as simultaneously exasperating labor agitation and socialist. Advocates of imperialism like Joseph Chamberlain and Jules Ferry; justified it by reasoning that the fruits of the kingdom would financially support social reform, give solution for the stagnation and unsteadiness of mid-nineteenth-century European economies and improve the dilemma of the poor—â€Å"the cry of the business population,'† ‘n’, Ferry's words--by having the funds for steady employment making goods for confined colonial markets. Hobson demystified such points of view: overseas investment whether in official colonies or informal areas of influence. He disputed exhausted capital from European-dom estic financial system. More contemptuous politicians such as Bismarck merely appealed to regal â€Å"crisis ideology,† using abroad military adventures and a focal point on outside enemies to distract attention from the deficiencies of economic arrangements and domestic politics. Benefitting the pursuit of kingdom enabled the German country to put off the democratization of political supremacy.Perhaps since, unlike Britain, France was in short of a substantial informal kingdom in the mid-nineteenth century.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

McDonald's Public Relations Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

McDonald's Public Relations - Case Study Example This organization need is what has evolved to Corporate Social Responsibility (Bardhan and Weaver, 2011). Corporate Social Responsibility is the attempt by an organization to address some of the emerging issues concerning their role in society. However, there have been debates on some organizations appear to circumvent this responsibility, regardless of corporate social responsibility requirement in social or legal terms (McKee and Lamb, 2009). This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive analysis of McDonald’s corporate social responsibility, as well as the organization’s ability to identify public relation opportunities and problems, and their reinvention from bad publicity. The growing public demand and awareness for socially responsibility businesses has prompted business organizations to consider corporate social responsibility. One of the international companies with a corporate social responsibility is McDonalds. McDonalds is the largest food chain in the world, s pecializing in hamburger. McDonalds considers corporate social responsibility as achieving results, maintaining open communication with customers and other stakeholders, and taking actions. As part of its framework for corporate social responsibility, McDonald’s works in association with its suppliers to ensure that its supply chain promotes socially responsible practices (Eyre & Littleton, 2012). According to its website, the organization has code of conduct purposely for its suppliers, which clearly stipulates how the suppliers should treat its customers (Aidoo, 2005). McDonald’s has had success in supporting suppliers phasing out gestation crates in the supply chain. The organization claims that about 50% of all contracted hog farms of Cargill use the new-generation system that do not incorporate gestation stalls. In 2007 for instance, the food chain giant embarked on sustainability projects with efforts of improving the working conditions for its farm workers in th e tomato industry in Florida. The result was an enhanced environmental practice in the agricultural supply chain of the organization and made the farm sustainable. Despite the fact that MacDonald’s buys about 1.5% of the tomatoes in Florida annually, the organization and the suppliers laid down the industry-leading growing standards, improving the working conditions in the farms and making the farm business sustainable (Sriramesh and Vercic, 2009). One of the indicators of MacDonald’s approach and its contribution to the communities is the Flagship Farms Initiative (FAI) in Europe. This particular program involves seven progressive farms that employ innovative farming practices in Europe, carrying out research on the ethical farming practices that incorporate into commercial farming systems. Another prime example is visible in the Sustainable Fisheries program, incorporating the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. The program essentially lays down sustainable standards that stipulate McDonald’s worldwide purchases for wild-caught fish into making Fillet-o-Fish, thus making the relevant fishery business a sustainable business (Royle, 2005). McDonald’s also engages in donating some of its profit portion to corporate philanthropy as part of its corporate social responsibility. The organization donates to the communities through the Ronald McDonald House Charities, a foundation that aims to create, support, and find programs that improve

Monday, August 26, 2019

NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

NUTRITION RELATED DISEASE - Assignment Example The former, is mostly concerned with nutritional value of food and how dietary imbalance can lead to diseases, while the latter is concerned with the effects of ingesting contaminated food. While nutrition related diseases are caused by the inadequate or excessive uptake of nutrients, food borne illnesses are caused by consuming food contaminated by pathogens or poisonous substances (DeBruyne, Whitney & Pinna, 2008). The consumption of food and beverages contaminated by pathogens or harmful substances such as chemicals often leads to food borne illnesses. There are numerous types of food borne illnesses depending on the causative factors, and therefore, the symptoms of food borne infections vary. According to the CDC (2012) an estimated 48 million people in the United States are infected with food borne illnesses every year, with approximately 130, 000 being hospitalized and 3,000 dying. Raw foods, sea foods, animal products, fruits and vegetables are among the most likely foods to contain pathogens that can lead to food borne illnesses. Therefore, to reduce the risk of contaminants, individuals should clean their hands and surfaces before handling food, prevent cross-contamination, cook foods to the recommended temperatures, and chill cold food (Sizer & Whitney, 2014). According to Sizer & Whitney (2014) the possibility of food additives being carcinogenic is highly unlikely since the United States government does not approve such additives. Similarly, although accidental entry of contaminants in food is possible, such foods are monitored to ensure that such contaminants are not capable of risking the health of consumers, thus ensuring food safety. Food borne illnesses can be acquired from different sources, where pathogens have the opportunity to come into contact with food, thus causing contamination. The intestines of most animals contain harmful microbes and when these microbes

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Value of Yield Curve to Predict Recessions Coursework

The Value of Yield Curve to Predict Recessions - Coursework Example The same can be affirmative for other measures which contribute to the difference between short and long term interest rates. The term spread is a significant part of various indices of prominent indicators, some of which are inclusive of the Conference Board and the leading index and recession index of Stock and Watson (1989, 1993). Since, the yield curve is cited as flat in current period, the issue is quite contemporary, as the yield curve as modestly inverted as well. Term spreads play a significant role as a leading indicator because under the expectations attribution, neglecting the term premiums primarily, they measure the difference between the current short-term interest rates and the average of the expected future short-term interest rates over a long and new field of vision. In other words, a term spread is the measure of the pose of the monetary policy in relation with the long-run expectations. With increment in the term spread, current monetary policy becomes even more restrictive, thereby, giving rise to a recession over the subsequent quarters. With such a rationale detesting the term premiums, it is not legible to necessarily capture all the information in the yield curve about the liability of a recession by the spread of short-term interest rates over the yield on a long-term bond. The rise in the gradation of current short-term interest rates has no reason for them having identical predictive content for the liabilities of a recession as degradation in the average anticipated future nominal interest rates over, such as for the upcoming decade. However, the usage of the term spread as an overall explanatory constraint has such a connotation. Furthermore, since, it is quite clear from the existence of term premiums, which are time-varying and contribute to typically incrementing in the bond maturity, thereby, complicating the interpretation of spreads between the short- and long-term Treasury yields, the detestation of term premiums seems to be inappropriate. World prominent scholars like Hamilton and Kim, and Ang, Piazze si and Wei, have made an argument regarding the term premium and anticipations hypothesis constituents of the term spread, as they possess contrasting statistical correlations with the future growth (2002, 2006). A decline in the term premium, derived extrinsically, is theoretically sensible to some extent, since it makes financial conditions more coordinative, thereby, stimulating growth while flattening the yield curve. A measure of the pose of monetary policy which is less intricate as a result of the effects of term premiums, is referred to as the federal funds rate. The shape of yield curve is inclusive of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The African and Chinese legal systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The African and Chinese legal systems - Essay Example Although, laws are culture specific and effectivity of laws still has to originate between man and the natural law. No amount of positive laws will prosper if the self controlled order is not put into consideration. Human beings as intelligent as ever could not be presumed to have no culture. As human beings, they have their own way of settling conflict amount themselves which are born out of human experience. In both Africa and Chinese laws they have their history to look back. Various events in their history shapes the present Leal legal system under which they operate. They have their historical cultures to look back that point’s evidence to their existence and them the manner they settle conflicts among themselves. The Western denial or branding on African and Chinese laws could not contradict the existence of internally developed wisdom of each culture. Each group of people in the world has its own way of doing things. For other culture not respect another’s cultur e would be me missing the very point of existence. Perhaps the law must have something to do as well with geographical locations because how these people behave socially or individually is also a function of geographical location, where they could be found on earth.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Richard Nixion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Richard Nixion - Essay Example It is high time that the American masses must recognize the achievements of Richard M. Nixon as an astute president and a great leader. Presidents like other common people, simply cannot choose the families in which they should be born. Richard Nixon certainly had a troubled childhood lacking in any form of motherly love and affection (Powell, 1999). An ill-tempered father who did not hesitate from exposing his progeny to blatant abuse and intimidation further worsened this situation (Powell, 1999). The battered and gloomy childhood of Nixon was further burdened by his father's panache for endowing his children with grandiose names owing origins to the English kings (Powell, 1999). Hence, Nixon always had to face bitter circumstances on the personal side of his life, giving way to an anxiety driven mindset obsessed by a yearning to win acclaims and honors from the people he intended to serve. Analyzed in such a backdrop, the achievements of Nixon as a man and a leader definitely stand to be tremendous and remarkable. Primarily, Nixon was a polished politician. In fact, there is no denying the reality that Nixon was a politician par excellence, who started exhibiting his tact and ingenuity right from the start of his career (Small, 2003). The politics of Nixon was always a mix of passion and drive. He successfully fructified his very first campaign for a congressional seat by tactfully revealing the left wing affiliations of his opponent. He established himself as a worthy tactician and strategist who was known for his strong anti-communist leanings, a trait that secured his candidature for the vice-presidency in 1952 (Pious, 2002). In the presidential campaign in 1952, he singlehandedly turned the tables against Adlai Stevenson by projecting himself as a champion of integrity and uprightness through a nationwide television address (Pious, 2002). Nixon was a politician who always did his homework. No doubt, the opponents of Nixon always found him a tough and formidable competitor. Even a cursory perusal of Nixon's history as a politician and a campaigner leaves no doubt as to his genius and marksmanship. During the illness of President Eisenhower in 1955-1957, Nixon conducted himself with an exceptional restraint and aptly handled the day- to- day administrative activities. The conduct of Nixon as a vice president and the Eisenhower-Nixon succession agreement meant to handle possible eventualities even today serves as a guiding model for the administrators and politicians (Pious, 2002). As a vice president, Nixon successfully campaigned for many Republican congressional representatives in 1954-1958. The White House always forwarded Nixon as an antidote against the Democratic aspersions regarding being lax on communism (Small, 2003). Nixon stymied the Bricker Amendment intending unprecedented constraints on the presidential powers (Small, 2003). In 1960, Nixon successfully won the Republican presidential nomination. However, he lost to John F. Kennedy primarily owing to the weak economic policies of Eisenhower.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Equal Opportunity Essay Example for Free

Equal Opportunity Essay In this short story, Equal Opportunity, written by Walter Mosely, Minority Socrates Furtlow, faces the dilemma of getting a job. Socrates is an ex-con, having served 27 years in prison. While drunken, he killed two of his good friends, and now lives life as a bumb who goes around collecting bottles and cans for a living. This story tells his struggle to find honorable work as a black man in society because of his background. Because there were no jobs in Socrates neighborhood that would hire him, knowing of his background, finding a job was a complicated task for this African-American, 58 year-old man who hadn’t worked in 37 years. As Socrates travels approximately 14 miles, 3 bus transfers from his apartment in Watts, South Central, Los Angeles, he arrives at Bounty Supermarket to try and get a job. As he enters the store, he wondered what the workers would think of him working there surrounded by money because of his prison background. Socrates, though was a murderer, not a thief! During his job search at Bounty Supermarket, he attempted to retrieve an application. Being a man of his stance, he had already practiced how he would attempt to ask for â€Å"an application. Anton Crier, assistant store manager of Bounty Supermarket, was a young white male who Socrates interacted with during his first visit. Anton was reluctant to give Socrates the time of day, mainly because of his appearance. Anton’s first question to Socrates was â€Å"Uh. How old are you sir? † As an ex-convict, with the stereotype of knowing the law, Socrates knew that this question was a violation of is rights for Equal Opportunity, and he surely informed Anton. Socrates stated to him the law of discrimination, equal opportunity, and his right to basically be given a chance and to at least to turn an application. Determination allowed Socrates to â€Å"demand† his right to fill out the application and wait for a reply, based on the information submitted on the application and simply not his race! After he turned in the application with a borrowed pencil Anton loaned him, he informed Anton and the store manager Halley Grimes of his dilemma of not having a phone, but an address where they could write to him he results of his application. He had to explain to them his address was valid because they were already going trying not accept it based on the fact he did not have a phone . He also questioned them about an information section on the application about his ability to travel to work. The question asked if he had a car? Although he didn’t, he didn’t mind using the public transportation (RTD -Rapid Transportaion District) bus route. Over a five day period, Socrates proved to them both his willingness to work and get there on time even if he was using the bus. He arrived at the supermarket for those five days straight on time, and before 9:30am. On the fourth day, Halley informed him his application had not been accepted and that she had thrown the fax away stating his denial. Unable to produce proof, Socrates called the main office himself, finding out his application was never submitted. In the midst of all this, Halley had also reported that Socrates was a threat to her and was afraid that he would do her harm because of him coming in all the time demanding his application results, knowing that she hadn’t submitted them. So that fifth day when Socrates came to the supermarket for an answer, he was approached by two gentlemen in lieu of his business there. He was called into the manager’s office and then was asked explained to the men, Mr. Parker and Mr. Weems his situation. Surely as they thought about his rights, end up offering Socrates a job at one of their other locations. As Socrates faces dilemma in his position as a black man during the Harlem Renaissance period, he ultimately succeeds in doing what he set out to do†¦.. find a job. As honorable as Socrates claimed he would be while trying to get this job, he ended up lying in the end about another question on the application he had missed. That question is the one who would identify him as a felon for his past mishaps. As appreciation for Mosely’s short story, one must believe that Socrates and many other African-Americans struggled to be successful, and to survive during this time period. This story tells the struggle of a man who just wanted to work to survive, and that knowing his rights and acting on them with patience and non-violence helped him get what he wanted eventually!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Capital Structure Essay Example for Free

Capital Structure Essay Capital structure is how a company finances its overall operations and growth by using funds from equity or debt (Investopedia, 2012). Of course, every company must determine its preference on its debt-to-equity ratio and determine which capital structure works best for them. Some approaches to analyzing capital structure are: 1.EBIT – EPS: This analyzes the impact of debt on earnings per share (EPS). Optimizing shareholder’s wealth is the optimum goal and therefore, this approach analyzes the high EPS based on an expected range of earnings before income taxes (EBIT). 2.Valuation: Determines impact of debt use on shareholder’s value by determining the level of debt at which the benefits of increased debt no longer outweigh the increased risks and expenses associated with financing (Wenk, 2012) 3.Cash Flow: Analyzes a firm’s debt capacity by using the weighted average of cost of capital (WACC). The WACC is a calculation of a firm’s cost of capital in which each capital source (bonds, stock and other long-term debt) are proportionally weighted to determine how much interest the company has to pay for every dollar it finances (Investopedia, 2012). Look more:  capital budgeting examples essay Part of Competition Bikes’ (CB) main consideration in the decision to merge or acquire Canadian Biking is working capital. Lets use the EBIT – EPS approach to determine how to maximize shareholder return while minimizing the cost of capital. We currently know Canadian Biking’s moderate sales forecast of EBIT figures for the next 5 years (Year 9 – 13), therefore we can apply the EBIT – EPS approach to choose an optimal capital structure. The total of capital sources in each of the 5 years is $600,000. We will use EBIT – EPS to determine which assortment of bonds*, preferred stock, and common stock is the best option to increase Canadian Biking’s EPS. The five alternative capital structures include: Option 1: 100% Bonds (fully financed) Option 2: 50% Preferred Stock 50% Common Stock (no bonds) Option 3: 20% Bonds 80% Common Stock Option 4: 40% Bonds 60% Common Stock Option 5: 60% Bonds 40% Common Stock *Annual bond interest rate is 9% After using the EBIT – EPS approach using the forecasted EBIT amounts for Years 9 through 13, we can average the EPS for each of the 5 years to determine which capital structure produced the highest EPS. The EPS averages computed for the capital structure options are: Option 1: Average EPS = .0452 Option 2: Average EPS = .0542 Option 3: Average EPS = .0526 Option 4: Average EPS = .051 Option 5: Average EPS = .0494 Based on the EBIT – EPS approach, the recommended capital structure is option 2, â€Å"50% preferred stock 50% common stock†. This is the best capital structure mainly because there are two things to consider: 1) long-term debt and associated interest expense and, 2) equity and # of common shares. Option 2 is the best capital structure because there are no bonds and therefore, no interest expense. For example, if we look at option 1 in Year 9, and the bond interest is 9%, then the bond interest expense is $54,000 (.09*600,00). This lowers the income before taxes by $54,000. Although companies can finance debt and use the interest expense deduction to lower their taxable income, it doesn’t make sense for Canadian Bikes to fully finance their capital, because the interest expense costs outweigh the benefit of the tax deduction, resulting in a significant decrease in total income available for common stock. Additionally, because the capital structure consists of 300,000 shares of preferred stock, the company must pay dividends of 5%, reducing the company’s total income available for common stock by $15,000 (.05 * 300,000). Although this reduces the total income available for common stock, the company will maximize its EPS by only having 50% capital in common stock. This reduces the total number of common shares outstanding, which means less shares to divide the total income among. Therefore, Option 2 is the most optimal capital structure that considers minimizing long-term  debt expenses and the optimal number of common shares in order to maximize shareholder return. CAPITAL BUDGETING: Competition Bikes’ is considering building a manufacturing facility in a new Canadian location. The total investment for this project would be $600,000 USD. This consists of $400,000 to build the facility and an additional $200,000 in working capital to support operational costs. The company has projected cash flows over the next five years; therefore we can use cash flow budgeting methods such as net present value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) that consider time value of money for long-term investments (Pearson Education, Inc., 2008). Net present value analyzes the profitability of a project by determining the difference between the present value of the project’s cash inflows and outflows followed by subtracting the initial investment. (Investopedia, 2012). The decision rule applied to NPV is fairly simple, if the NPV is positive, invest; if the difference is negative, do not invest. Competition Bikes applies NPV to forecasted low and moderate sales for the next 5 years. After using the forecasted sales for low demand, the total present value (after subtracting cash outflows from inflows) is $560,719. If we subtract the initial investment of $600,000 from this amount, the NPV is -$39,281. This is a significant warning that the company should not proceed in building a manufacturing facility. On the other hand, if we use the forecasted sales for moderate demand, the total present value is $608,447. If we subtract the initial investment of $600,000, the NPV is $8,447. Therefore a positive NPV indicates the company should proceed with building the manufacturing facility. The biggest concern is determining which NPV to lean towards based on low or moderate sales. Unfortunately, the risk of having low sales outweighs the profitability benefit of having moderate sales. It is too risky for CB to move forward with the investment based on the NPV of low sales (-$39,281). In order for the company to profit from this investment, CB would need to have a moderate sales demand at minimum! The present value in NPV is calculated using an interest rate, also known as the required rate of return. CB’s required rate of return is 10%. When this interest rate is altered or calculated to make the total present value equal to the initial investment, the NPV becomes equal to zero; this is called the internal rate of return (IRR) (Pearson Education, Inc., 2008). The IRR is what a company can expect to earn from investing in the project and the higher the IRR, the more desirable the investment. The calculated IRR for low demand cash flows is 8.2% and the IRR for moderate demand cash flows is 10.4%. Based on these IRR figures, the company should not pursue the capital investment because the average IRR between both low and moderate sales is 9.3%. This is below the company’s required return on capital (hurdle rate) of 10% to pursue a capital investment. Again, the company would need to have a moderate sales demand, at minimum for this capital investment to be profitable and should therefore not pursue building a new manufacturing facility. WORKING CAPITAL: CB must effectively obtain and manage working capital for the expansion of the operation. CB must first look at their operating cycle, cash conversion cycle and free cash flow factors in order to improve production and management of working capital. Let’s discuss the company’s current status of each of the working capital and cash flow factors and determine how the company can improve in these areas. First, the operating cycle involves CB sending the distributor a monthly invoice for all raw materials ordered with terms of net/30 days. This can be improved by renegotiating the payment terms will distributors to net/15 days. This would increase cash flows by improving payment turn around time and accounts receivable collections. Additionally, the company can improve its relations with its distributers to increase effectiveness of its collection process. Another operating cycle factor is ordering and paying for inventory. Currently, the company pays for inventory in the month following production and all inventory ordered for the month is used leaving inventory levels (at the end of each month) at consistent levels. In order  to improve working capital the company should utilize and lower its year ending inventory balance. For example, at the end of Year 8, the company had $91,573 worth of inventory left over. The company should utilize the current inventory on hand before ordering similar raw material items. This will decease cash flows and leave fewer inventories on hand at the end of the year. Currently the average time in inventory is 25 days. This is a substantial turnaround time currently, however in the future, the company can consider replacing labor workers with fixed asset items to improve production time. This will satisfy customer demand by decreasing delivery time and improve cash flows by invoicing customers more frequently than 25 days after production. CB’s cash conversion cycle factors also impact working capital. Currently, the CB’s suppliers invoice at the end of the month for orders that month with terms of net/15. CB does an excellent job of preserving its cash flows by paying the invoices on the 15th of the month following the order.. CB can improve its working capital by negotiating for longer payment terms, i.e. net/30 days, allowing for more time for the company to earn money to pay their invoices. If this is not possible, the company can improve its forecasting measurements for ordering supplies and order the majority of the supplies needed for the month at the beginning of the month. This would increase the amount of time the company has sufficient supplies on hand without having to pay more money, (because the suppliers will still invoice for the orders at the end of the month, regardless of how early in the month the supplies were ordered). This can increase working capital because it acts as a contingency plan, to reduce the likelihood of running out of supplies, avoiding delays, or ordering supplies in excess. Free cash flow factors also affect CB’s working capital. Currently, the company recognizes depreciation in both manufacturing overhead and as depreciation expenses depending on the fixed asset. The company can use their depreciation data to increase management of cash flows by predicting when the company will have to spend a significant amount of money to replace an asset when its useful life expires. This will prepare CB for those unwanted although necessary – fixed asset costs. Currently the  corporation’s marginal tax rate is 25%. The company can consider obtaining working capital by financing debt. This will leave the company with an interest expense at the end of the year, which is deductible from gross earnings and results in paying lower taxes. After CB improves its working capital, let’s discuss how CB can use its working capital for the lease vs. buy option for a factory building in Canada. CB can use its working capital to cover the $50,000 down payment (or buy out option if they decide to lease) and $200,000 for operational costs of the new factory. According to the data provided for the lease vs. buy option, the lease option will preserve cash outflows of $12,339, (purchase cash outflows are $333,999 and lease cash outflows are $321,660). Therefore, the company should lease the manufacturing facility to preserve cash outflows. Leasing the facility will also allow CB to deduct annual interest payments (6% interest) from the gross earnings to lower their tax payments. This will increase the company’s net earnings at the end of the year, also resulting in higher retained earnings and increased shareholder value. MERGER OR ACQUISITION: CB should consider many factors when deciding to merge or acquire Canadian Biking. Let’s analyze the pros and cons between a merge vs. acquisition and determine what the best move would be for CB. First off, if the company were to merge with Canadian Biking, the potential EPS would increase by approximately .021. This shows potential for increased ownership earnings, but is it significant enough? At the same token, the price/earnings ratio for Canadian Bikes at the end of Year 8 was 9 and CB’s was 70. This shows that CB’s current investors are expecting greater earnings in Year 9 and are willing to pay $70 for $1 of current earnings. This is not the case with Canadian Biking’s investors. Unfortunately a low P/E ratio of 9 indicates that investors are not expecting a significant growth in company earnings. This raises a concern if the merge will result in a potential increase of .021 in EPS. On the other hand, a merge would result in lower costs because CB would not be purchasing Canadian Biking outright. Canadian Biking also has a lower cost competition bike that can decrease production costs and complement CB’s current bike model being offered. This will result in  greater net earnings and cash flows. If the company were to acquire Canadian Bikes, CB can expect a gradual increase in cash inflows over the next 5 years. However, the current offered sales price for Canadian Biking is $286,000; this is 30% more than what the company was valued at, at the end of Year 8. Although CB has enough working capital to make the purchase, it would take 5 years of gradually increasing cash inflows to recoup the price tag of $286,000. This means it could take approximately 5 years, before shareholders saw a significant increase in earnings per share. Based on the pro and cons, CB should merge with Canadian Bikes to lower their production and delivery costs, increase net income, EPS and cash flows, and preserve working capital. The price to acquire Canadian Biking is simply unreasonable based on predicted cash inflows over the next 5 years. The merger will enhance CB’s market position in Canada by having a local distributer to handle all customer orders and provide cost effective and great customer service to the growing Canadian market. References Investopedia. (2012). Capital Structure. Retrieved from Investopedia. (2012). Weighted Average Cost of Capital. Retrieved from Investopedia. (2012). Net Present Value. Retrieved from Pearson Education, Inc.. (2008). Horngren Accounting. Retrieved from Wenk, D. (2012). Using an optimal capital structure in business valuation. Retrieved from

Types of Threats and Prevention in Networking

Types of Threats and Prevention in Networking TASK 4 TASK4 (1) Major types of threats There are heap of threat in the networking or which can be the internal and external. Here I will explain both these threats below; Internal Threat: USB devices: The biggest reason of internal threat is USB devices; according to one of the survey over 35% organizations believe that these devices were actually used for stealing or compromising the important information. Missing of security agent: Each organization has to install some agents on their endpoints. The work of these agents is to monitor the network traffic and various other things. If these agents are out of date then our data is not secure. (cook, 2007) External threat: Peer to peer sharing: These programs are also responsible for stealing the data to the network. Similarly with the peer to peer program, we can connect one device to another device and can check whole the data of another computer Device on the loose: One of the other reasons might be the when we lose our thing. If all the information is in that device so anybody who found the device can stole the data easily. Malware: This may also be the reason of external threat. As we probably know that malware comes from internet from some bad sites, therefore if malware enter in our device, then in some way they access or device. TASK 4 (B) Network security attacks Network security attack: These are few codes that can damage our codes as well steal the data as well. Some of the network threat is characterized below:- DoS: Its also known as denial of service assault. Basically form the name it is clear that it assault our system. Teardrop attack, Exploit limitations in the TCP/IP protocols are few of the DoS attacks. We can utilize programming to dispose of these DoS. DDos: Distributed Denial of Service attack is an attempt to make the service unavailable by huge with traffic. It overwhelming it from so many sources. It always targets the essential resources from various important sites. Unauthorized access: Unauthorized access means it access the network or without any permission. That unauthorized person can steal or delete the data. In addition to that he can also misuse the information. Thats why we have to increase the security. Data theft and loss: Data theft is basic process of stealing the data. The stealing can be from the system or from the server where it is stored. To happening this we have to increase the security. Physical attack: Physical attack is in any physical form where the information can be damage. For instance, any natural climates such as earthquake, flood or anything else. In addition to this it also cover any physical harm cause by the mankind like whether the server is destroyed or something else. TASK 5 TASK 5- Network threat mitigation techniques Firewall: Firewall is a network security system. It acts as a barrier between networks. It stops the virus to enter in our device. So we can say that its a better way to secure our data. It only gives access to authorized sites. The standard specification of a firewall is listed below:- Anti-spam Anti-virus Anti-spoofing Anti-phishing Anti-spyware Denial of service protection The other categories is end user control feature User based filtering Individual spam scoring Personal allow and block list Simplified and centralized administration Multilingual user interface Barracuda energizes update Logs and graphic report No per user charges Multiple domain (Barracuda Spam Virus Firewall) IDPS (Intrusion detection and prevention): It main work is to analyze the traffic for suspicious type of activities. Whenever there is something unexpected it gives sign to the network administrator which can move to end The standard specification of IDP is listed below:- Frequency Required 50/60 Hz INTERFACE PROVIDED Type Network host Interface Ethernet 10Base-T/100Base-TX/1000Base-T Connector Type RJ-45 NETWORKING Features Diff Server support, DoS attack prevention, High Availability, Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), Quality of Service (QoS), built-in hardware bypass Data Link Protocol Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet Performance Throughput: 300 Mbps RAM Installed Size (Juniper Networks IDP 250 security appliance) Anti-virus: Anti-virus is the program which detect the virus and delete it. We can remove malware, including worms, spyware and adware with the help of anti-virus. The standard specification of Anti-virus is listed below:- Stop unknown threats with artificial intelligence Layered protection with next generation technologies Symantecs global intelligence Reduce bandwidth usage Patented real time cloud Access control: This is the method which we utilize to manage the access of the user. Due to this we can create limit for the user, which is very helpful for the networking. There are two types of access control physical and logical. Standard specification The standard access controls the physical and the logical security as well. Simple to manage. Provide the best security. Physical security: Physical security is the outside security which may help to keep the networking from the outside resources. It covers some of area, and very useful. Standard specification Strong walls Strong locks CCTVs Security guard Strong password: Strong password protects our information from stealing. It can also protect our data from the hackers. A strong password contain varieties of thing like pattern, retina scan many of the things. Standard specification Pattern lock Retina scan Voice scanner Finger scanner TASK 6 TASK 6- SCENARIO In the above scenario there is discussion about the principle of information security between two companies AA and YY who are partner in the nuclear project. Before claiming anything fist we have to study the basic principle of the information. Confidentially: It basically refers to the privacy. It is design to check or save the essential data from some of the participant and other persons. Sometime in the big organizations if the data is very essential, then they provide the training to the person to make the information of confidentially stronger. More things which they add to make it more safe is to set the password. Because it will give the better security to the information. So basically if two or more organizations are working on the same project, then a one company cannot indicates the information without the agreement of the other companies. Availability: Availability is called to give every significant thing which is needed for the project. For instance, if they need any other help then its duty to provide them these help. Like if two organizations are working on the similar project and one of the companies has availability of data which second company needed then it is responsible of the company to give that data to his partner, so they can complete their task easily. Integrity: Integrity is known as to provide the correct data, if it is coming from one person to another. To make it better we can use the encryption so data may not be lost TASK 7 TASK 7- Role of cryptography in securing communication Cryptography is the term which we use to secure the data. It changes the message into an unreadable format and this message called the cipher text. Just the person who has the access to decrypt that message will able to read and understand the message. Sometime code breaking should be possible by some of the peoples. Nowadays, as all the major discussion occurs on the internet so the security of the internet communication is very important. For this reason the cryptography is used. It protects few things like credit card details and e-mails. It gives end to end encryption so if we are sending message over the internet to some person we can send it safely. TASK 8 Task 8-Major types of cryptography There are three major cryptography schemes which are explained below:- Symmetric cryptography: A symmetric cryptography is that where both sender and user utilize the similar key for the encrypting and decrypting the message. It is the quicker cryptography as compare to another one, but each party have to swap the keys for decoding the message. Asymmetric cryptography: Its called the public key cryptography. It utilizes two different keys to encrypt and decrypt the message which is known as public and private keys. Hash function: It takes the set of the keys and maps to the value of certain length. It shows the original sequence of the character, while if it is smaller than the original. Whereas, we can say that it take message as the input and provide a fix size string in the return. This string also called hash value, message digest, digital fingerprint. References Barracuda Spam Virus Firewall. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cook, R. (2007, june 19). Securing the Endpoints: The 10 Most Common Internal Security Threats. Retrieved from CIO: gameboyrom. (2007, july 24). What is a LAN modem? Retrieved from DSL reports: How to connect the word. (n.d.). Retrieved from Juniper Networks IDP 250 security appliance. (n.d.). Retrieved from C|NET:

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

what we ought to eat :: essays research papers

Christine Cuomo spoke about many interesting topics on what we ought to eat. She presented a very good argument on how eating meet is what we should no be eating and that rather more healthier foods such as fruits and vegetables are better for us in several ways and for many reasons. Christine is an ethics professor at the University of Cincinnati and during here presentation she made arguments that were somewhat controversial about what people ought to eat and what they shouldn’t ought to eat; and why. Even though some of here argument were controversial she seemed to put her perspective in very understandable ways that even those against her position would still enjoy hearing what she has to say. She is a vegetarian but is not one to force the idea on you, and she still eats cheese and drink milk. She talks about how animals are slaughtered for food and its not fair to them. She presents an argument on how butchers treat animals horribly and even though they are a source fo r our food they is no reason for animal brutality. During the presentation there was a picture of a high pile of pigs slaughtered. The picture was quite grossum and didn’t need much words to tell the story. Animals are just treated very violently as if they have no type of feeling for pain. This is not right. Personally I would like to see animals treated better before they are slaughtered because they have feelings of pain just as we do. I wish more people, including myself, can have the will power to stop eating meet to send a message to their butchers and factories that are displaying such animal brutality.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being a vegetarian is tuff, especially if your from a nonvegeatarian family. However, Christine made her argument not only how meatless foods are good, but how simply eating less is a good start. Its hard to ask someone to top eating meet but it’s a nice gesture to try to eat less. Eating less helps, less animals will be needed to food and maybe a message will be sent to those who practice brutal ways on animals. One interesting point was that animal eat a lot. And its better for the world to have them dead then alive and eating more. This is not a right way to think. Animals were put on this earth by the same supreme being that put us on this earth.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Black Death :: essays research papers

The Black Death The Black Death serves as a convenient divider between the central and the late Middle Ages. The changes between the two periods are numerous, they include the introduction of gunpowder, increased importance of cities, economic and demographic crises, political dislocation and realignment, and powerful new currents in culture and religion. Overall, the later Middle Ages are usually characterized as a period of crisis and trouble. The portrait should not be painted unrelievedly bleak, but the tone is accurate enough and echoes voices from the era itself. The Black Death did not cause the crisis, for evidence of the changes can be seen well before 1347. But the plague exacerbated problems and added new ones, and the tone of crisis is graver in the second half than in the first half of the century. Standing at the century's mid-point, the plague serves as a convenient demarcation. The Black Death erupted in the Gobi Desert in the late 1320s. No one really knows why. The plague bacillus was alive and active long before that, indeed Europe itself had suffered an epidemic in the 6th century. But the disease had lain relatively dormant in the succeeding centuries. We know that the climate of Earth began to cool in the 14th century, and perhaps this so-called little Ice Age had something to do with it. Whatever the reason, we know that the outbreak began there and spread outward. While it did go west, it spread in every direction, and the Asian nations suffered as cruelly as anywhere. In China, for example, the population dropped from around 125 million to 90 million over the course of the 14thc. The plague moved along the caravan routes toward the West. By 1345 the plague was on the lower Volga River. By 1346 it was in the Caucasus and the Crimea. By 1347 it was in Constantinople. It hit Alexandria in the autumn of that year, and by spring 1348, a thousand people a day were dying there. In Cairo the count was seven times that. The disease travelled by ship as readily as by land?more readily?and it was no sooner in the eastern Mediterranean than it was in the western end as well. Already in 1347, the plague had hit Sicily. What was this disease? Bubonic plague is the medical term. It is a bacillus, an organism, most usually carried by rodents. Fleas infest the animal (rats, but other rodents as well), and these fleas move freely over to human hosts.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Human Nature in Lord of the Flies Essay -- essays

Human Nature in Lord of the Flies Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, is a captivating narrative in which the reader lives through the trials and tribulations of a society set up and run by a group of marooned British teens. Golding believes that the basic nature of the individual is evil. The group ultimately proves this thesis by their actions. The evils of the individual are shown through the actions of the group’s hunter Jack, the murders of two members of the society, Simon and Piggy, the attempted murder of the group’s leader Ralph, and the ultimate destruction of the island. Jack has a natural longing to be number one, he was not satisfied with being the leader of the hunters, and this ultimately caused many of the conflicts in the novel. Jack as a senior member of the group felt that he had every right to be the leader and in this he caused the downfall of the society. He used the skills he learned as the leader of the hunters to turn the society against Ralph and the members that would not follow him in his quest to be number one. Simon is the...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Preferred Learning Style Essay

Preferred Learning Style: Multimodal Grand Canyon University NRS-429V August 22, 2013 Today more adults are returning to school for continuing education. It can be very difficult to juggle a full time job, school work, and still find time to spend with the family. Time management is of the utmost importance in order to be successful in furthering education. A student knowing his or her learning style could be an important first step in being successful. Learning style is the way a person absorbs and processes information to be used at a later time. For a student, knowing his or her learning style will enable them to make the changes needed to improve their study habits. Neil Fleming, an educator, launched VARK in 1987. It is a questionnaire used to assess learning styles. The questionnaire is free for use in schools and universities. VARK is an acronym for Visual, Aural, Read/Write and Kinesthetic. Fleming states that it is not a learning style questionnaire, it provides feedback only on one’s preferred modes of communicating. (. There are critics of learning s tyles. This could be because it is difficult to measure learning. These critics say that knowing your learning style does not improve your way of learning and it is hard to dispute because there is no evidence to support this . However this learner feels that knowing her learning style will better enable her to adjust to the many demands of continuing education. Although there are four categories of learning preferences, there is also a multimodal learning preference. This preference integrates more than one preference of learning. Approximately 60% of any population fits into the category of multimodal learning preference (. This learner is a multimodal learner. Learners with multimodal preferences may adapt their mode of learning to the situation at hand. For example, if this learner is present in a class and the instructor is lecturing without any visual aids to assist in learning, then she may use the read/write learning style. She make take extensive notes in class then go back and read all of the notes later. One down side to this method of learning can be the time restraint. If there is a lot of material to cover over a short period of time, then this method may not be best. According to the questionnaire, this learner is multimodal, with read/write and aural as the stronger learning preferences. On this point she disagrees with the questionnaire, as she feels she is more visual than aural. She scored lower in kinesthetic but feels at times she is definitely a kinesthetic learner. It takes her back to her days in the military when the motto was â€Å"see one, do one, teach one.† This fits her especially when learning a new task, as she is very hands on. It goes along with the kinesthetic learner needing to do things in order to understand them. The questionnaire states that visual learner use pictures, posters, books with diagrams, graphs, and flow charts. They may also use different highlighters to emphasize different points. This learner does like the idea of pictures, slides, and flow charts but feels that graphs may be difficult to understand sometimes because the amount of information can be overwhelming at times. The multimodal learner can be placed in two categories. One category is the context specific learner. This type of learner chooses the mode that best fi ts the need at that specific time. Their scores on the VARK questionnaire are usually between 13 and 26. This learner tends to fall into this category now. The other category is the whole sense approach. This type of learner uses a number of their modes of learning in combination and their scores on the VARK questionnaire are usually above 30. One disadvantage of this may be that the learner may not fully understand new material. Initially when this learner first returned to school for her Associates Degree in Nursing, she was this type of learner. It did not take long for her to adjust her study habits and find a learning style that was better for her. For the online courses of this nursing program, this learner has used more of the read/write mode of learning. This has worked best for her because of the fast pace of the classes and the amount of material covered. She does use more than one mode of learning when the situation requires it, and she feels that will be the case as the school year continues. The VARK questionnaire was very interesting. This learner was surprised the learning styles could be assessed from only a few questions, but the results were fairly accurate. In this fast paced  course of study the learner feels that the results of this questionnaire and good time management will help her to be successful in this and upcoming classes. References Fleming, N. a. (2006). Learning StylesAgain: VARKing up the right tree!, Educational Developments . SEDA Ltd. Issue 7.4, 4-7. Reiner, C. &. (2010). The Myth of Learning Styles. Change. Retrieved from VARK a guide to learning styles. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Can You Find Me Now

How is a Nintendo Wii game console able to determine the location of a Wii Remote while a player interacts with a game? The answer is triangulation, a process that determines the location of any object by measuring the angles from two or more fixed points. Surveyors often use triangulation to measure distance. Starting at a known location and elevation, surveyors measure a length to create a base line and then use a theodolite to measure an angle to an unknown pint from each side of the base line (Jains, 2012, pp. 30-48). The length of the base line and the two known angles allow a computer or person to determine the location of a third point. Similarly, the Nintendo Wii game console uses triangulation to determine the location of a Wii Remote. A player places a sensor bar, which contains two infrared transmitters, near or on top of a television. While the player uses the Wii Remote, the Wii game console determine the remote’s location by calculating the distance and angles between the Wii Remote and the two transmitters on the sensor bar. Determining the location of a Wii Remote is relatively simple because the sensor bar contains only two fixed points: the transmitters. A more complex application of triangulation occurs in a global positioning system (GPS). A GPS consists of one or more earth-based receivers that accept and analyze signals sent by satellites to determine a receiver’s geographic location. GPS receivers, found in handled navigation devices and many vehicles, use triangulation to determine their location relative to at least three geostationary satellites. According to Sanders, the geostationary satellites are the fixed points in the triangulation formula (Understanding Satellites and Global Positioning Systems). The next time you pass a surveyor, play a Nintendo Wii, or follow a route suggested by a vehicle’s navigation system, keep in mind that none of it might have been possible without the concept of triangulation. ?

In Praise of Margins

In the essay â€Å"In Praise of Margins† Ian Fraizer upholds the importance of margins as â€Å"a higher sort of unpurpose† (Fraizer 45) defined by his time in â€Å"the woods† (44). Fraizer and his friends spent most of their time in their margins also known as stomping ice in â€Å"the woods†. Fraizer says that marginal place and activities are â€Å"the most important kind† (46) because they are â€Å"where you can try out odd ideas†. Margins could be visiting a park, a friend’s house, a dance studio or even a football field, also doing things such as swinging on a tire, reading, watching movies, dancing or playing a sport.He argues that margins- whether places or activities- are valuable because they allow a person to be themselves, have fun and use their imagination without worrying about impressing anyone. I agree with Fraizer that margins play an important role in people’s lives because although they have no purpose they can have positive results. Fraizer and his friends spent most of their childhood in the woods because that was where they felt comfortable and had fun with each other.This type of margins reminds me of the book â€Å"Bridge to Terabithia† a story that embraces margins in every page. In the novel two kids ironically meet in the woods. There the kids used their imaginations extensively by creating their own kingdom Terabithia, where they reigned over everything and were loved by all the creatures who roamed their land. The woods acted as the two kid’s marginal place because it allowed them to be creative. Marginal places such as these are important because they show a person what they are cable of accomplishing.These kids built a world with waterfalls, mountains and its own civilization. Margins are valuable to have because they let people acquire skills to expand their creativity. According to Fraizer â€Å"a book without margins is impossible to read†. This stat ement enforces Frazier’s belief about the necessity of margins and that attempting to live life without them makes everything unnecessarily more complicated. Fraizer and his friends did anything and everything in the woods.As they told themselves a frequent activity was exploring and the reader understand this was marginal when he mentions they were all easily distracted from their exploration with the sight of the perfect ice to stomp on. Fraizer explains these distractions to extend the understanding of margins and that they don’t require uninterrupted focus because a person doesn’t have something to accomplish, a marginal activity could result in another marginal activity that could have an outcome. I consider watching movies a marginal activity for many, people go to the theater to simply relax and get their mind off of other things.Movies let a person engulf themselves in the lives of others, fall in love all over again with a romance, laugh away all proble ms with a comedy, or feel a rush of adrenaline with an action movie. Films similar to these can create inspiration in people to find love, to become a director, even to become a writer to create a script that will affect people as the film affected them. Margins being without any purpose unintentionally result with a person having a purpose â€Å"every purpose-filled activity we pursue in the woods began as just fooling around†.Through observing his kids actions when they encountered a ditch Fraizer remembers his personal experiences with margins. To Fraizer and his friends â€Å"the woods† played an important role in their childhoods, it acted as a place where they could let their imaginations run wild and pursue what their minds came up with. Fraizer says margins are places or activities that don’t â€Å"account for themselves economically†; however, they are valuable because they can result in a new kingdom, a life changing film or a better understandi ng of life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Economics Essay

Southwest Airlines begins a â€Å" Bags Fly Free† campaign, charging no fees for a first and second checked bag. Does this situation best represent producer– producer rivalry, consumer– consumer rivalry, or consumer– producer rivalry? Explain. Southwest Airlines â€Å"Bags Fly Free† best represent producer-producer rivalry. Consumers have so many different choices of airlines they can choose and generally most of us would like to get the most out of our money on our flights. Producer such as Southwest wants to win our business by providing promotion such as â€Å"Bags Fly Free† to entice consumers not to worry about paying bag fees at the airport. Airlines are competing with each other to win over a limited amount of customers. We as consumers want the best price and benefits with the least amount of stress. This cannot be consumer-consumer rivalry because there are plenty of airlines available to the consumers. Consumers are not limited to only Southwest Airlines so there won’t be any competiveness among consumers to fight for a seat to get to their destination. This is not consumer– producer rivalry because there is no debate in pricing. Southwest provides a price for their flight and we as the customer can either buy or not buy from Southwest. Customer cannot bargain back and forth with Southwest for a seat to their destination. This is definitely producer-producer rivalry in where Southwest believes their business direction is not to charge bag fees will be a competitive advantage over many other airlines who charges bags to fly.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Charles Dickens presentation Essay

Do you feel that Charles Dickens presentation of Joe Gargery makes him seem on balance a foolish person or someone worthy of our respect? In Great Expectations, Joe Gargery comes into the novel many times. Sometimes he is portrayed as a very foolish person but other times he actually is quite clever and worthy of our respect. At the beginning of the novel, he seems foolish in the sense that he is a very simple man and does nothing to hide it. When Pip is reading him a letter, Joe remarks †Why, here’s a J,’ said Joe, ‘ and a O equal to anythink! Here’s a J and a O, Pip, and a J-O, Joe. † Pip carries on by saying ‘ I had never heard Joe read aloud to any great extent than this monosyllable, and I had observed at church last Sunday when I accidentally held our Prayer-Book upside down, that it seemed to suit his convenience quite as well as if it had been all right. ‘ There are many more examples of his foolishness but there is one important point that must be included to understand why Joe puts up with Mrs Joe’s nagging the whole time. He tells Pip about how his father beat his mother and him constantly: ‘ and he hammered at me with such a wigour only to be equalled by the wigour with which he didn’t hammer at his anwil. – You’re a listening and understanding, Pip? ‘ He then reveals that Mrs Joe doesn’t like scholarly people in her house ‘And she ain’t over partial to having scholars on the premises’ Joe continued, ‘ and in partickler would not be over partial to my being a scholar, for fear as I might rise. Like a sort of rebel, don’t you see? ‘ In this there is a clear sign that Joe doesn’t want any disharmony in his house and he doesn’t want to treat his wife like his dad treated his mum. So for this reason he puts up with Mrs Joe ‘knocking his head for a little while against the wall behind him’ when he steps out of line. For this reason, it seems we must respect him as someone who learns not from his mistakes, but other people’s. There are times in the novel, where Joe seems to be acting really stupidly but is in fact being proud. The first time this crops up is when Joe and Pip go to Satis House to talk to Miss Havisham. Joe, to Pip’s embarrassment, refuses to talk to Pip as though Miss Havisham is not there ‘Pip,’ returned Joe, cutting me short as if he was hurt, ‘which I meantersay that were not a question requiring a answer betwixt yourself and me, and which you know the answer to be full well No. You know it to be No, Pip, and wherefore should I say it? ‘ Miss Havisham has just asked Joe a question and it is strange that he addresses Pip instead. Pip after becoming a gentleman, is very snobbish and looks down on Joe. For this reason Joe tries to act very upper class and tries not to embarrass Pip in front of his friends. ‘Since you are so kind as make chice of coffee, I will not run contrairy to your own opinions. ‘ He calls Pip ‘Sir’ many times and at one point Pip says ‘Joe,’ I interrupted, pettishly, ‘how can you call me Sir? ‘ However even after this scene which Joe looks foolish, he actually regains his dignity; ‘Joe looked at me for a single instant with something faintly like reproach. Utterly preposterous as his cravat was, and as his collars were, I was conscious of a sort of dignity in the look. ‘ Here we have two contrasting statements. Pip tells us that Joe looks extremely foolish in his cravat and collar but under the foolishness is someone who is extremely dignified. Not many people are like that especially when their ‘son’, has just rebuked them for addressing them wrongly. The next time Joe’s dignity really shines through is when he leaves Pip on page 222. He knows he looks stupid in the clothes because and says so ‘I’m wrong in these clothes. I’m wrong out of the forge, the kitchen, or off th’ meshes†¦ I’m awfully dull, but I hope I’ve beat out something nigh the rights of this at last’ The terrible thing is, is that Joe knows Pip looks down on him and is ashamed of him. He says ‘ You won’t find half so much fault in me if you think of me in my forge dress, with my hammer in my hand, or even my pipe. You won’t find half as much fault in me if, supposing as you should ever wish to see me, you come and put your head in at the forge winder†¦ ‘ He knows Pip looks down on him and is embarrassed about him, he feels sorry for Pip and blames it on himself. This is a very honourable thing to do and definitely makes us show respect for him. We see other characters from different pieces of literature placed in similar situations and act very differently and with less patience. For example Eddie Carbone in A View for the Bridge. When Pip becomes ill, due to a number of things: severe burning, a run-in with Orlick and Provis becoming captured, Joe comes to visit him and looks after him. Joe doesn’t want to fall into embarrassing Pip again. Due to Pip’s earlier disrespect towards Joe, Joe is less easy with Pip. ‘ But, imperceptibly, though I held them fast, Joe’s hold upon them began to slacken; and whereas, I wondered at this at first, I soon began to understand that the cause of it was in me, and that the fault of it was all mine. ‘ Joe has regained his dignity so instead of getting emotionally close to Pip, he draws himself away from him as soon as he senses he is getting stronger. Joe, earlier on is obviously trying to impress Pip by learning to write and Pip starts crying because he sees the pride with which Joe has written the letter to him. Pip is very lucky to have an uncle like Joe because Joe is an excellent person. On the surface he seems to be foolish but underneath he is a pure and righteous man. He always forgives Pip for whatever injustice Pip does to him. In the balance, the reasons we should respect Joe Gargery far outweigh the reasons why we should treat him like a foolish character and one that is not worthy of our respect.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

GanGo Strategic Planning Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

GanGo Strategic Planning - Assignment Example It can be said that the strategic management plan that was designed and developed by the team of strategic management of CanGo was more of an emergent nature rather than that of a deliberate nature. It can be said that a strategic management plan that has been deliberately designed would have been more systematic and much more efficient in nature as compared to the current existent one. The deliberate approach would have a much more careful approach of the planning of the strategy while taking into account the various opinions of the team members as well as their decisions.In accounts of CanGo’s approach it can be said that the team was going for a on the need approach and was designing the strategy on the basis of the need faced by the company. Also, the conversation that took place between Clark and Ethel completely showed the fact that the staff was completely unaware of the company’s emerging plans to increasingly venture in to the online gaming market. Another fact that outlined and highlighted the very base that the entire strategy was designed by the top management without proper consideration of the relative advantages and disadvantages of venturing into the online gaming market is the factor concerning the ignorance of the financial implications of the company. Also, the management did not go for a review of the external conditions analysis of the macro environment which is considered a routine method in the application of a deliberate approach towards the planning of a strategy.... e process of proper planning of the sales strategy, while putting too much emphasis on the push factor rather than creating and maintaining equilibrium of the push and pull effect for the company’s product deliverables to the customers and clients. 2. It can be said that the strategic management plan that was designed and developed by the team of strategic management of CanGo was more of an emergent nature rather than that of a deliberate nature. It can be said that a strategic management plan that has been deliberately designed would have been more systematic and much more efficient in nature as compared to the current existent one. The deliberate approach would have a much more careful approach of the planning of the strategy while taking into account the various opinions of the team members as well as the advantages and disadvantages related to their decisions. In accounts of CanGo’s approach it can be said that the team was going for a on the need approach and was d esigning the strategy on the basis of the need faced by the company. Also, the conversation that took place between Clark and Ethel completely showed the fact that the staff was completely unaware of the company’s emerging plans to increasingly venture in to the online gaming market. Another fact that outlined and highlighted the very base that the entire strategy was designed by the top management without proper consideration of the relative advantages and disadvantages of venturing into the online gaming market is the factor concerning the ignorance of the financial implications of the company. Also, the management did not go for a review of the external conditions analysis of the macro environment which is considered a routine method in the application of a deliberate approach towards the

Monday, August 12, 2019

Culture & Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Culture & Technology - Essay Example The paper tries to analyze the relationship and significance of food as an aspect of culture and technology. Bodily circumstances and physical images, like being overweight or slender, are intensely embedded in femininity features and cultural aspects, and represent how people classify themselves differently through food eating habits and cravings. Food offers a wide variety of meanings since the daily practices all over the world revolve around that aspect. There is an extensive range of etiquette, tastes, and cuisines associated to it. Technology dictates a chief role in the food, and beverage industry bringing evolution in the industry as a result of advancement in the technological field. New information has resulted in the invention of several brands and variety in the market bringing about competition and quality brands. As the populace grows, the numerical figure agricultural grower is on the decline. This exerts pressure on transportation and storage space systems. This makes it impractical to overcome the challenges experienced in the food and beverage industry. Nevertheless, technological evolution in food manufacturing industries has resulted to fresh discoveries in nutritional knowledge have led to an increase in the quality and standards hence enhancing the variety of foods. Technology has resulted to forecasting of sales and records organization in the industry thus helping in prediction of sales volume leading to delivery of products in time. Nowadays, the food and beverage industry experiences worldwide competition in the market which is healthy as it promotes quality services. Technology has led to the advancement of marketing procedures and brand name positions in the food and beverage companies. Companies have developed supply series by replacing the old ways of supply with new schemes to surpass their competitors. Food and beverage manufacture

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A Reflective Analysis on the Assessment and Management for ankle Essay

A Reflective Analysis on the Assessment and Management for ankle injury - Essay Example The placement experience obtained through patient assessments and management resulted into a better nursing intervention based on the pre-existing nursing knowledge for the future improvements. According to National Institute for Clinical Excellence (2004), reviews ankle joint injuries management in healthcare facility as a nursing responsibility aimed restoring the physiological function of the a ankle joint after an accident or injury has occurred. For the future practice, the nurses should reflect on the clinical experiences, concepts and understandings during the ankle injury assessment and management an adaptive response of care. Therefore, for this reflective analysis, the GIBBS model of reflection is used serving as a turning point in of ankle injury and related risks conditions assessment and management reflective analysis. GIBBS model of reflective analysis is a model of choice since it links the trainee nurses to their nursing practice, supervisors and their patients providing a systematic reflective of all the procedures and processes that were conducted in my nursing practice. For confidentiality and privacy of my nursing training experience, the name of the client, health facility, and the location has been made anonymous based on the reflective analysis for nurses’ survival in the word (Richards & Edwards, 2012). Ankle sprains are the most common sporting and UCC injuries anatomically and physiologically occurring as the tearing of bone-bone ligaments connection that stabilizes the ankle joint. My mentor reminded me that, the ankle injury causes destabilization of the hinge joint formed by fi bula, tibia and the talus bones resulting in structural disarrangement, fractures and deformity of the bones and ligaments around the ankle joint. Through the department orientation I learned that, the risks factors for the ankle joint injuries in United Kingdom are

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Should the UK join the Euro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Should the UK join the Euro - Essay Example This also eradicates the uncertainties relating to exchange rates and thus helping the banking sector to invest in other member nations. However, apart from the above discussed advantages of joining the Euro, there also lay certain drawbacks that cannot be denied. One of such drawbacks includes the prevalence of common interest rates in different countries, which greatly affect their respective economic and overall development procedure. It is worth mentioning that the European Central Bank (ECB) may discourage the UK to join the Euro, as it plays an imperative role in designing effective monetary as well as fiscal policies. Nonetheless, deficiency in obtaining support from the member nations also highly discouraged the UK in joining the Euro. Thus, taking into concern these drawbacks, it is to be affirmed that the UK would require thinking number of times before joining the Euro. Nevertheless, there lays the probability for the UK to reap several significant benefits in terms of developing its economy by joining the Euro based on the above stated advantages of the same. Thus, with this concern, it can be affirmed th at the UK would become more influential to compete with other powerful nations by joining the Euro. Euro, which is the official currency of the European Union, was introduced in the year 1999. However, there lay numerous discussions regarding the introduction of Euro as a common currency amid the countries of the European Union. Nevertheless, finally in the year 1995, there was a consensus and all the member countries of the European Union agreed to introduce a common currency and named it ‘Euro’. The nations of the European Union who are using this currency at present are the Netherlands, Cyprus, Slovenia, Greece, Germany, Latvia, Luxembourg, Austria, Estonia and Spain. Notably, the countries of the United Kingdom (UK) such as England, Wales, Scotland and Northern

Analysis of Three Books in Literacy Development among Children Essay

Analysis of Three Books in Literacy Development among Children - Essay Example The aim of the commentary will be to develop a case study using various approaches. The three sources acknowledge the fact that earlier cognitive abilities by children are essential for future literacy development. Arnold (2003) indicates the process that enhances Harry’s cognitive ability. At this point, the mother plays an important role in ensuring Harry undergoes the learning process successfully. Adams (1990) states that early cognitive ability determines how a child will grasp literacy concepts while in school. Adams applies the concept to a child’s earlier phonemic awareness using an earlier cognitive ability. Peccei (2006) uses the cognitive ability of a given child to recognize complex structure words. The common approaches the three authors deploy relates to Piaget cognitive theory. The three concepts of the theory are visible in the books in that parents and the pre-school environment is identified by the authors as Schemas. They also indicate the development of this cognitive ability through different stages before a child is enrolled into the formal educational systems. The books, however, use different writing style. Arnold (2003) uses a descriptive style where he gives a day-to-day account of Harry and hence giving the reader the ability to make a conclusion based on the events. Harry’s life events are based on observations and the author uses these events to ascertain the early cognitive ability of a child. Peccei (2006) and Adams (1990) use an analytical approach in displaying cognitive abilities among children. They both draw from existing researchers to explain certain events in a given child’s life. They analyze the environment in which children would best learn their cognitive ability and focuses majorly on the literacy developmental stages. The differences in style indicate the diverse nature in which cognitive abilities are displayed and learned.  Ã‚