Saturday, February 9, 2019

Comparing Themes in Frosts Two Tramps in Mud Time :: comparison compare contrast essays

Diverging Themes in Frosts Two Tramps in Mud Time     On the surface, Two Tramps in Mud Time seems to display Robert Frosts narrow individualism.  The poem, upon first reading it, seems incongruent, with around of the stanzas having no apparent connection to the whole poem.  The poem as a whole also does non appear to have a whizz definable theme.  At one point, the fibber seems wholly narcissistic, and then turns to the proponent and beauty of nature.  It is, however, in the final third of the poem where the narrator reveals his line up thoughts to the reader, bringing resolution to the poem as a single entity, not merely a disharmonious collection of words.       At the outset of the poem, the narrator gives a very superficial view of himself, almost seeming tempestuous when one of the tramps interferes with his wood chopping one of them put me off my aim. This statement, along with many others, seems to focus on me or my , indicating the apparrent selfishness and arrogance of the narrator The blows that a life of self-control/Spares to strike for the common good/That day, giving a loose to my soul,/I spent on the unimportant wood.  The narrator refers to cathartic his suppressed anger not upon evils that threaten the common good, but upon the unimportant wood.  The appparent arrogance of the narrator is revealed as well by his reference to himself as a Herculean figure standing not alongside nature, but over it The grip on earth of spread feet,/The life of muscles rocking soft/And smooth and moist in vernal heat.       Unexpectedly, the narrator then turns toward nature, apparently abandoning his initial train of thought.  He reveals the unpredictability of nature, verbalism that even in the middle of spring, it can be two months venture in the middle of March.  Even the fauna of the land is involved with this craft the arrival of the bluebird would to most indicate the arrival of spring, yet he wouldnt advise a thing to blossom.  The narrator points to the conclusion that, while on the surface, things appear to be one thing, there is always something hidden below, oft like The lurking frost in the earth beneath...       In the final ternary stanzas of the poem, the frost within the narrator comes to the surface.  The humility of the narrator comes to light, with the narrator axiom that the tramps right to chop wood for a living was the better right--agreed.

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